Below you will find more information about me...
More about me...
First of all... How did I get this drum microbe? I think it
would have been at the age of 12 I started playing everything
that made some sound. I got a couple of rulers from school and
I started hitting my bed sheets. After that I bought my first
accoustic drum kit, a Thunder.
This was a very basic drum kit but a very good starting kit.
After that, I got imprisonned by the digital
(r)evolution. So I bought me a Roland
TD-5K. I spend years enjoying this kit. After that, I
bought me a Black Mamba DDK2 for
1 simple reason: it was playing rim shots
with it and the cymbals could be
choked. But of course, when it
comes to playing drums, nothing beats an accoustic drum kit.
So I finally bought me a Pearl Vision
Birch VBX. This will be staying with me for very long
More info will follow soon...